2024 Omdia 中國顯示產業研討會

2024 年 9 月 12 日 - 13 日 | 上海


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欢迎参加2024 Omdia中国显示产业研讨会(CDC)

显示产业的“风向标”会议 ,9月12日-9月13日,坐标上海,连接全球显示行业的商机



Welcome to the 2024 Omdia China Display Conference: Connecting the Dots for the Global Display Industry!

Join us in Shanghai on September 12-13 for an immersive in-person event dedicated to addressing the pressing concerns of Chinese display companies.

In 2024, the global display industry presents a challenging landscape for Chinese companies. Success in this sector requires substantial investment in technology and innovation, efficient supply chain management, strategic navigation of competitive and regulatory environments, robust IP (Internet Protocol) protection, sustainable practices, and responsiveness to consumer demands and economic conditions. Addressing these challenges is crucial for sustaining growth and maintaining a competitive edge in the global market.




Top 10 Display Topics on 2024 Review and 2025 Prospect


New Ecology of Global and China Smart TV Market


Global Smartphone Market Analysis and Forecast


Large Area Display Technology Roadmap - OLED, Gaming, High Frequency

工控及公用显示屏对于 FPD 市场和供应链的重要性

The Importance of Industrial and Public Displays to the FPD Market and Supply Chain

计算机生态系统在AI 浪潮来临的新趋势

New PC Trend with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tsunami

显示关键零组件及材料 – 驱动IC、光学薄膜及玻璃基板分析

Display Key Components and Materials – Driver IC, Optical Film and Glass substrate

车载显示面板市场, 技术与供应商竞争

Automotive Display Panel Suppliers’ Competitive Landscape Watch And more!


在 2024 Omdia 中国显示产业研讨会上,我们汇集了最具洞察力的行业领袖,直击行业痛点,破解难题。Omdia专业的分析师将深入挖掘数据,探讨影响全球显示行业的因素。通过对供应链市场的全面分析,我们将解密最新的行业趋势和技术发展洞察,讨论市场预测和发展趋势,赋能企业做出明智的决策并推动业务可持续增长。

  • 全面了解市场和短期挑战
  • 考虑中期竞争与合作
  • 并根据长期市场预测规划未来的业务和技术路线图




更多详情,请点击 赞助页面 或联系 Omdia 中国销售总监 Raymond

At the Omdia China Display Conference, we bring together the most insightful minds and industry leaders to shed light on key issues and provide actionable insights. Our professional analysts will delve deep into the data, exploring the factors influencing the global display industry. Through a comprehensive analysis of the supply chain market, we will uncover the latest industry trends and technological developments and discuss market forecasts and development trends. Together, we will empower enterprises to make informed decisions and drive sustainable growth.

Bringing together 150+ technology professionals, the CDC will provide you with detailed viewpoints from market, application, and technology perspectives. It will also allow you to network with key individuals shaping the global display industry.

You can also become part of Omdia's China Display Conference through conference sponsorships, collaboration, client introduction & tabletop opportunities, establishing effective and precise brand and product promotion while seizing business opportunities.

For more details, please click on the Sponsorship Page or contact Omdia China Sales Director Raymond.

The Omdia Display Conference Series is the most in-depth and influential conference within related industry domains that offers unparalleled exposure and networking opportunities with industry leaders in the display and consumer electronics sectors for nearly 20 years.

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获取商机:直接与备具影响力的整机代工厂商 (OEMs)和行业领先公司的领导者建立联系



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更多详情,请联系 Omdia 中国销售总监 Raymond。 加入我们,共同创造全球显示产业的未来!

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Conference info background


Sep 12-13th, 2024(Thu-Fri)
上海虹桥美爵酒店会议楼三楼 宴会厅 1+2
Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao, 3rd Floor, Ballroom 1+2

369 Xianxia Road, Changning District, Shanghai

标准价 - 5600 人民币

早鸟优惠价 - 5000人民币
2024年8月16日 星期五含前报名截止